HCV (Section 8)
The Housing Choice Voucher program provides direct rental subsidy payments on behalf of eligible families and individuals to private landlords. It is the responsibility of a family to find a unit that meets their needs. If the family finds a unit that meets the housing quality standards, the rent is reasonable, and the unit meets other program requirements, the PHA executes a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the property owner.
How it Works
The PHA pays the owner the difference between 30 percent of adjusted family income and the PHA payment standard (based on the lower of family size or size of unit rented by family) or the gross rent for the unit, whichever is lower. Tenant-based subsidy tenants are required to pay a minimum of 30 percent of their income for rent but based on the unit chosen the tenant may pay up to 40 percent of their income for rent.
To ensure units are in decent, safe and sanitary condition, the PHA inspects the property before providing assistance and annually thereafter, to ensure Housing Quality Standards (established by HUD) are maintained.
To be income eligible a family’s income must not exceed 50 percent of the area median income limit. Proof of citizenship or eligible immigration status required to receive assistance.
Section 8 – Project-Based Rental Assistance program provides rental assistance on behalf of eligible families or individuals. Project-based assistance is tied to specific multifamily developments.
Eligibility requirements are similar to the public housing program in many respects. Project-based subsidy tenants are required to pay 30 percent of their income for rent.
All subsidies remain with the approved development, therefore, once a project-based subsidy tenant moves from the development the subsidy stays with the development and the tenant no longer receives assistance.
Project-Based Rental Assistance: